What is IPLAN?
IPLAN is a software system that supports the entire process of planning, design, construction, and maintenance of the company infrastructure capacity (Infrastructure Lifecycle Management). A description of the complete system is given in the attached project documentation, which was the basis for software development. The system is specialized for companies of the infrastructure type, such as: Telecom operators, Electric power companies, Water supply and sewerage, Gas industry, etc
IPLAN Module for annual investment planning and monitoring consists of the following software subsystems:
- Subsystem for defining planning rules (Defining the rules of bills and estimates, Defining planning rules, Defining budget rules, Defining implementation monitoring rules).
- Subsystem for the development of the annual plan (Preparation for the development of the annual plan, Development of the plan for organizational units, Development of the integrated plan, plan rebalance).
- Subsystem for preparation of investment technical documentation (Defining a set of facilities for construction, Development of conceptual design: Development of terms of reference, Revision of terms of reference, Approval of terms of reference for budget, Development of main project: Development of technical documentation, Pre-revision of technical documentation, Collection of approvals, Audit , Formation of bills and estimates)
- Subsystem for contracting works and materials (Formation of requests for bids: Selection of works from the plan, Selection of materials from the plan, Completion of bids, Analysis of bids: Evaluation of bids, Selection of the best bid, Notification of selected bid, Resolving partner complaints, Contracting contract, Defining contract materials, Completing contracts, Collecting permits based on consent)
- Subsystem for monitoring the implementation of the annual plan (Recording of the realization of quantity: Keeping the construction book, Development of site plan; Recording of delivered materials: Recording of the implementation of CAPEX, Recording of the implementation of OPEX, Contract implementation, Record of Cash Flow implementation). The feature that distinguishes IPLAN from similar software is the direct retrieval of data from CAD processed projects, as well as GIS processing of infrastructure capacities.
IPLAN has been operating for many years in telecommunications companies that are very complex and demanding in terms of annual planning, which has allowed IPLAN to be well tested and tuned to operate in complex real-world conditions. There is significant experience in integrating IPLAN with other SAP-like ERP software. Telecom companies have just done such an integration of ERP and IPLAN.